Group Games

There can be from three to six participants in a group game at a time. It may take anywhere from three to six hours, depending on the number of participants. Every participant brings their own question to the game, the inquiry is then shared with the group. During the game process, participants answer their questions and assist others, they share ideas and vision, as well as receive the support of the facilitator and other participants. As a result of such a game, you can obtain lots of personal benefits, observe others and get feedback from them, and see your situation in a different light. Group games are held in a live format only. Participants will leave with a step by step plan of action to follow and implement. 

One on one Games

Individual game is held between the participant and the facilitator. It usually takes between one to two hours. The participant is focused solely on their question and doesn’t get distracted with anything else. Every position on the game takes as long as needed. The facilitator takes on the role of the group in terms of feedback and offers various alternatives during the game. The benefit of such game is complete confidentiality and an opportunity to be 100% open and dive into an in-depth internal study on your own terms. This type of game can be played live and online.